Aguardamos você para um café, no Planalto Paulista, no Alto da Serra do Mar

Caminhos dos Peabirus

Nosso endereço

Alto da Serra do Mar
Planalto Paulista
São Paulo
Avenida Higienópólis
Shopping Higienópolis



Fale conoco

Fone: 11 9 6774 8539
WhatsApp: +5516999622922

“there’s nothing more refreshing than starting your day with a juiceito boost”

- ‘The Healthy People’ Magazine -

100% organic

locally grown

Nutrient Dense

pressed daily

Feel the juicy love

“I love this place!! Their smoothies are delicious, and the team is super friendly.”
Sianna O.
“There’s no other way to start your day. I stop at Juiceito every morning!”
Floyd B.
“I’m a health freak and I am obsessed with Juiceito’s fresh and organic juices!”
Kelsi S.